楼主 |
发表于 2023-6-2 16:41:57
International Eco-Tech Investing Corporation holds the trading licenses to CFDs account (high leverages in UK regulated) and Securities account in Interactive Brokers (US regulated). The capital gain in the past one year is more than 43% in institutional account of Interactive Brokers (updated on 2023-06-02), which can be the verified or audited institution account. Next business plan is to apply for the Business Registration and Trademark in Hong Kong, aiming to become an Environmental Treasuring institute/Investment Entity operated in Hong Kong, China. The BVI regulation Act is as below:
The related entities in a group, defined by BVI Securities and Investment Act (2010), is the ‘subsidiary or parent undertaking which has a significant interest.’; And the ‘significant interest’ is defined as the capacity to ‘appoint or remove one or more directors of the undertaking.’; And the related entities can be financial institutes status. In this case, the Treasuring Center is NOT required to hold a fund license to provide fund management business for or with the related entities in a group.
Please note: This entity does not conduct any fund investment business in Mainland China. Treasuring institute in BVI Securities and Investment Act (2010) definition is broader than the Treasuring Center in a Group defined by CRS. The CRS definition consider this Treasuring Center as Active Entity without classification into Financial Institute status. However, the BVI definition is definitely the Financial Institute as Investment Entity.
Revised on 2023-06-02;修改于2023年6月2日。 |