hliu092 发表于 2024-3-15 16:36:03

公司新闻/Company News:更新于/Updated on 2024-03-15

本公司英文绿色商标“ChengZhu Science”已经于2024-03-06日通过国家知识产权局初步审定,刊登于第1878期《商标公告》;本公司绿色品牌图案Logo已经获得国家版权数字登记证书,证书号码:国作登字-2023-F-SZ00000207。

The English green trademark ‘ChengZhu Science’ has passed the preliminary approval by China National Intellectual Property Administration on 2024-03-06 and published in the 1878th Trademark Announcement; the company’s green brand Logo has obtained the National Copyright Digital Registration Certificate, Certificate number: 国作登字-2023-F-SZ00000207.
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查看完整版本: 公司新闻/Company News:更新于/Updated on 2024-03-15