hliu092 发表于 2024-2-17 13:09:40

Topics in 2024 - 2025: Mechanics Fundamentals

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Latest revised on 26/02/2024.

Key points:

This paper firstly summarizes and reviews the classical principles of mechanics, and classical mechanics can effectively solve physics cases under the common limitation conditions, that include macroscopic physical conditions and low-speed motion model. However, under the situations of quantum micro-scale, cross-galaxy motion models and material aging process, new physical models need to be established to solve physical problems. My previous papers have fully discussed the particle collision motion model at microscopic quantum field , the microscopic quantum mechanics model under the electric field shielding effects of the overall atomic structure , the force balance analysis at each mass point inside an atom, inter-molecule force generating sources , thermal motion model of micro particles in the process of materials aging , friction resistance model at quantum scale , charged particles motion model under free state at the substance boundary layers in nature , dark matter principle and its application on inter-galactic motion model , etc. Therefore, this paper will further summarize and compare the application of various mechanical theories and motion models on physical circumstances. 译文:本文首先总结、回顾经典力学原理,这些经典力学原理都在一个共同的局限条件下可以有效解决物理学上实际问题,即:宏观物理条件和低速运动模型。在量子微观尺度、跨星系运动模型、物质材料衰老等情境下,新的物理学模型需要建立起来才能解决实际问题。本人之前的论文已经充分论述了微观量子领域中粒子对撞运动模型、原子整体结构的电场屏蔽作用下微观量子力学模型、原子内各质点的受力平衡分析、分子间作用力起源 、材料在衰老过程中的热运动模型、摩擦阻力的量子模型、游离与自由态带电粒子在自然界物质边界层中的运动模型、暗物质原理在跨星系间运动模型中的应用等等。因此本文将进一步总结、对比物理学中的各种力学理论和运动模型在实际问题中的应用。
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