hliu092 发表于 2022-11-21 15:50:31

Introduction: Journal of Astronomy and Earth Sciences (ISSN: 2958-4043)

Title proper: Tiānwén yǔ dìqiú kēxué zázhì 天文与地球科学杂志(ISSN: 2958-4043)
Parallel title: Journal of astronomy and earth sciences
ISSN: 2958-4043
Country: Hong Kong S.A.R., China
Medium: Print
First registration of serials: November, 2022.
Publisher: 香江出版社有限公司
Chief-Editor: Mr. Liu Huan, exclusively authorized by the publishing company.
Database Retrieval: Crossref Metadata; Scilit Database; Web of Science (Not indexed in Core Collection); OpenAIRE (Peer-reviewed Data Sources); Researchgate (Cited-by); Mendeley Reference Manager, etc.
DOI: 10.58473/Journal0003

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